Share designs through a collaboration

The members of a SureDesign collaboration can share custom designs with each other through the collaboration folder. All members of a collaboration have read/write access to the collaboration folder.

This help topic explains how to:

Find designs in a collaboration

Save an existing design to a collaboration

Save a new design to a collaboration

See Create and manage collaborations for instructions on setting up a collaboration and inviting other SureDesign users to join.

Find designs in a collaboration

You can access the designs and probegroups that are part of a collaboration on the Find Designs screen. Select the Collaborations tab in the designs table and follow the instructions in the help topic View and search for designs.

Move an existing design to a collaboration

You can move custom designs that you created from your workgroup folder to a collaboration folder.

To move an existing design to a collaboration folder:

  1. In the Find Designs screen, select the My Designs tab and locate the design that you want to make available to collaborators.

    Click here for detailed instructions on finding designs.

  2. Click directly on the design name to open the design details window.

  3. Near the top right corner of the design details window, click Move.

    The Select Destination Folder dialog box opens.

  4. Click the Collaboration tab and mark the desired collaboration folder.

  5. Click OK to move the design to the selected folder.

    The Select Destination Folder dialog box closes and a message box opens notifying you that SureDesign has started the process of moving the design to the selected folder.

    You receive an e-mail from Agilent SureDesign when the move is complete.

Save a new design to a collaboration

When you create a new design using the design wizard, you can make the design part of a collaboration by saving it to a collaboration folder during the Define Design step. Next to Create In, click Select, and in the dialog box that opens, specify a collaboration folder. See the help topics on the Define Design step of the SureSelect, HaloPlex, and CGH wizards for more information.


See Also

Create and manage collaborations